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Independent Bookshop Since 1957


Independent Bookshop Since 1957

Gone to Timbuktu
A podcast on the art of travel

There are two Timbuktus. One is the administrative centre of the Sixth Region of the Republic of Mali… And then there is the Timbuktu of the mind —  a mythical city in a Never-Never Land, an antipodean mirage, a symbol for the back of beyond or a flat joke. ‘He has gone to Timbuktu,’ they say, meaning ‘He is out of his mind’.
— Bruce Chatwin, Anatomy of Restlessness

Gone To Timbuktu is a podcast hosted by author and journalist, Sophy Roberts, about the art of travel. In conversation with writers, photographers and filmmakers, she delves into the joys and challenges of our restless instinct. The territory includes far-flung places and inner landscapes, history, creative influences and new ideas – with a spotlight on what binds storytelling to journeys, past and present.

Authors and recommended titles discussed in each episode are listed below. The podcast is released every other week on Apple and Spotify.

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